“I joined to be involved in providing skilled development opportunities and look for ways to have staff be better communicators and collaborators.”
Eddie Vaughan
NextGen Vice Chair Head of OperationsVaughan Ventures Ltd.
Eddie is the Head of Operations at Vaughan Ventures Ltd. His family roots in mechanical contracting span more than four generations, beginning with his great-grandfather’s plumbing company in Alberta in the 1920s.
While his background is in business and sports management, Eddie was always connected with the industry, having brothers in plumbing. In 2020, he pursued his entrepreneurial ambitions and joined his brothers in the mechanical contracting business at Vaughan Ventures.
Eddie’s journey to NextGen stemmed from wanting to be more involved in the industry. As a board member, he recognizes the challenges of the labour shortage and the significant shift towards the younger generation with the exodus of the baby boomer generation. “I joined to be involved in providing skilled development opportunities and look for ways to have staff be better communicators and collaborators.”
Eddie’s advice for entering the trades is to be patient, as well as value mentorship and education: “I would say patience is number one and being mentored.” On the business and management side, Eddie highlights the importance of being detail-oriented and continuous learning. “Attention to detail is huge. Slow down, be a sponge and learn from every experience.”
In his spare time, Eddie enjoys spending time outdoors and travelling around BC with his family to disconnect and recharge.