
#coffeetalk Series

MCABC #coffeetalk is a monthly meet-up for the mechanical contracting industry. The one-hour monthly discussion is designed to:

• connect MCABC members with one another
• learn from and address subjects of common interest
• consider emerging issues
• provide a platform for Associate members to showcase their products and services
• strengthen connection within our community

Please email if you have topic suggestions or would like to sponsor a coffee talk session.



#coffeetalk - Exploring Canada’s A2L Refrigerant Transition

With the transition from R410 to A2L refrigerants effective January 1, 2025 in the US, Canadian buyers who purchase equipment from the US face uncertainty due to growing concerns around the mild flammability of A2Ls. Join Ryan Faulkner (Master Applied Business Solutions) as we discuss and explore the implications of these changes to the HVACR industry in Canada.

  • Discussing the difference in the A2L refrigerants from existing refrigerants
  • Timelines of implementation on different equipment sectors
  • Addressing the flammability concerns of A2Ls
  • A2Ls and the BC Building Code (CSA B52)
  • Suspected 2030 changes

This #coffeetalk is only open to MCABC members.

This #coffeetalk is sponsored by The Master Group