“Advocacy is so important. I want MCABC to continue to build its influence with all levels of government and to be an industry resource for education. If we come to government at municipal, provincial, and federal levels as as an organization, MCABC has the ability to actualize change.
MCABC can be an organization that's consulted on decisions that impact our industry. We can influence all levels of government and education and become an industry resource. I want us to be a strong voice so we can effect change."
Brittany Manulak
MCABC Board Vice Chair OwnerConcept Mechanical Group
Brittany and her husband, Jason, started Concept Mechanical Group in 2003. Over the last twenty years they have grown it into multi-family, commercial, and service divisions.
She describes the business as a good marriage; her husband brought the mechanical knowledge and she brought her business background.
For Brittany, it’s important to empower younger generations, and that her employees have work-life balance. As a leader, she welcomes feedback and ensures her team know they will be heard. “We can see differences of opinions and we respect them,” says Brittany. This people-first approach is what makes ethics so central to Brittany’s approach to business. “We stay focused on trying to be good humans in the industry, that’s huge for us. We want to leave a legacy there that we had a positive impact in this industry.”
The quality of their workmanship and the skills of their employees are also a part of the legacy Brittany and Jason want to leave behind. “We try to stay focused on what matters to us,” she says. “For me, it’s sharing knowledge and best practices within the industry.”
Sharing best practices isn’t always easy in an ever-changing industry like mechanical contracting, but Brittany is more than up for the challenge. “What I find interesting about the industry is that just when you think you’re dialed in and organized, something new comes in. There’s always new technology and procedures.”
These rapid shifts are why MCABC’s Innovation Pillar resonates with Brittany. “Innovation interests me because that’s where we’re going. The world is changing and our industry is changing daily. I like to hear and see new innovative ways and MCABC can be a hub and resource for those changes.”
Growing MCABC and bringing in new members is important to Brittany, as is ensuring all areas of the industry have a voice. She sees great value in coming together as a unified force under MCABC. “As an organization, we have way more clout and way more ability to actualize change. The greater our numbers and the more of a squeaky wheel we become, the more change we can see in our industry. We are better together.”