
Women in the Trades

Why this is a great career for you.

We had the opportunity to interview five passionate women who work in mechanical trades about what attracted them to this industry and what makes them tick. What stood out was not only how much they love what they do, but how they advocate for more women to consider this career path. The trades are for everyone. The are many varied paths to follow in this industry, from the finesse and artistry of welding to the strategic mapping of complex mechanical systems.

When asked who the trades are for, the women we spoke who said the same thing: this is a career for people who enjoy working with their hands, who prefer learning by doing as opposed to learning from a book. Do you get a rush from completing a project? There is nothing more satisfying than working on a high rise and seeing that job through from start to finish. What about team work? Camaraderie, community, and working together are the backbone of this industry. Working on a job site is about collaborating with others on your team, and across various trades, towards a common goal.

For mothers, the hours are conducive to child raising, completely aligned with school hours. One mother we spoke with, who works as a plumber, told us she can drop her son off at school, go to work, then pick him up from school and spend the evening with him – all while earning a living wage to support herself and her family.

When asked why she loves what she does, Kym Davis of Pitt Meadows Plumbing said, “Honestly? Its kind of bad ass to be a female journeyman plumber and I’m proud to take on a role that wasn’t traditionally available to women.”

This industry is progressive and forging a path that is open to everyone. Learn more about how you could find a fulfilling career path in the mechanical contracting trades.