Relevant and timely Professional Development for the Mechanical Contracting Industry
We are delivering education and professional development programs that enable high standards of professional practice for mechanical contractors. Through our regional, provincial, national and international network of education partners, we initiate, design, facilitate and deliver educational programming that strengthens core competencies and develops new, leading-edge practices.
MCABC offers seminars and #coffeetalk sessions on timely issues, plus on-demand courses developed for the mechanical contracting industry. The seminars and courses are available to members and non-members; however, members receive significant savings through member-only pricing. #coffeetalk sessions are open to members-only.
If there is a topic you would like to see offered, please contact info@mcabc.org to share your ideas.

#coffeetalk Series
MCABC #coffeetalk is a monthly meet-up for the mechanical contracting industry. The one-hour monthly discussion is designed to:
• connect MCABC members with one another
• learn from and address subjects of common interest
• consider emerging issues
• provide a platform for Associate members to showcase their products and services
• strengthen connection within our community
BuildForce Online Courses Available through MCABC
Increase your skill set and enjoy the flexibility of learning online at your convenience! MCABC offers the following courses:
- Communication, Negotiation, Conflict Resolution
- Construction Industry Ethics
- Construction Law
- Construction Project Management
- First Level Supervisor Training Program
- Introduction to Building Information Modeling
- Introduction to Construction Estimating
- Pipeline Construction Safety Training
- Working in a Respectful and Inclusive Workplace

Associate-ED: Members Teaching Members
Calling all Associate members who have something to teach our members related to your products and/or services! Associate-ED is our new forum for you to do a product demo, present solutions, tips and tricks, best practices, industry or regulatory updates, etc. These virtual events are quick 20-minute presentations followed by ten minutes of Q&A. Timely information will be prioritized (i.e. electrification). Sessions will be created and recorded on Zoom and members attend for free. The recording will be placed in the Member Hub, in a new resource section that showcases Associate members. While there is no cost for you to take part, you’ll need to be a current MCABC member.
Do you have a training video? If you already have training videos (of various lengths) we can post them in our library. Contact the Manager of Membership and Events (cbasco@mcabc.org) with a link to the video and say that you would like to have it considered for our Associate-ED library.